Monday, February 1, 2016

Monday, January 25, 2016

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Monday, January 11, 2016

Vocabulary Blank Grid

Week of ______________________________ Vocabulary Words

My Definition
Three Synonyms
Three Antonyms
Personal Link, Sentence, or Illustration


Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Tshirt Instructions

1.                       Name

2.                       Sports/Activities/Interests

3.                       Career/college plans so far….

4.                       Fave odd food combo

5.                       Secret Superhero Talent

6.                       Current Theme Song

7.                       Give yourself a #________________

Quizlet for Vocabulary Practice

The English I binder

Organizing the English I Binder

· Vocabulary

· Grammar

· Notes

· Writings in Progress/Final Drafts

· Graded Papers

Contact Info

Come see Mrs. Hapgood in B5 during advisory time--ask for a pass.
Email Mrs. Hapgood:

Classroom Expectations


Mrs. Hapgood’s  Classroom Expectations

·         Be prompt!  Please be in your seat when the bell rings so class may begin right away.  I do keep track of tardies and will write referrals to Mr. Hurley if necessary.


·         Silence the electronics in class!  Phones and electronic devices may be used only during passing periods and lunchtime.  Phones that ring in class will be taken away for the block.


·         Be prepared!  Bring all required materials to class each day: binder, paper, writing utensils and books.


·         Be polite and positive!  Please respect yourself, each other, the instructor and the classroom.  Use respectful language and actions during class.


·         Be productive!  When given time in class to do assignments, use the time!  Do your homework , finish work in a timely fashion and pass this course! 


·         Listen!  I give very thorough instructions for all activities in class—and I never mind explaining assignments in more detail.  However, I appreciate open ears and closed mouths when I am speaking! 


·         Avoid consequences!  Follow the above expectations and you will have great success in class.  However, if necessary, I will issue warnings, call parents, write referrals to Mr. Hurley and request student-teacher-parent-principal conferences.


·         Talk to Mrs Hapgood!   I love teaching and want all of my students to find success in English class.  If you are confused, concerned, upset, frustrated, overwhelmed or joyous …whatever your mood….come talk with me!

English I Syllabus

English I--An Exploration of Writing with Mrs. Hapgood

            Welcome to English I.  This course is the first of four required English classes at Olympia High School.  This course focuses intently on writing and how to help students improve and grow as a writer.  Writing is found in every profession and every aspect of daily life.  It doesn’t matter what you do in life—writing is going to be there.

            The overall goal for students this semester is to really learn what is to be a writer and how to become a stronger writer.  The class focuses on each student individually as a writer and how to build and improve writing skills.  Becoming a writer includes: studying the types of writing, writing daily, revising writing, reading the works of professional writers, publishing writings, and learning about the elements of grammar, spelling, punctuation, and vocabulary.

            The class, of course, will include reading (both personal and collective).  Students will have weekly SSR time in class, plus we will be reading some writings together, such as To Kill a Mockingbird and Romeo and Juliet.  There also will be weekly vocabulary quizzes (plus a midterm and final vocabulary tests).  A cumulative 15% final exam is given at the end of the semester.

            Please note this class is the first of four English classes REQUIRED for graduation.  Students must pass English I before advancing to English II.



  • Spiral notebook to keep in the classroom
  • A three-ring binder with tab dividers and notepaper
  • Writing Utensils



This course follows the school’s standard grading scale.

100-94  A

93-86      B

85-77      C

76-70      D

69–0    F



            Studies have shown that daily writing can help improve writing skill.   Therefore, you will journal for 10 minutes at the start of class each day.  Students keep a spiral notebook in the room for this purpose.  Journals are worth 50 points and are collected every four weeks.  Bonus Time!  Writing at least ¾ to 1 full page per day is required. Bonus points are awarded each day the student complete or exceeds this requirement.  This is an EASY way to earn some extra points.


Welcome to English I!  I look forward to learning about you and writing together!  I love teaching this class and am always excited to see what each student brings this course.